Friday, 31 January 2014

Blog post 3

There are a few things that really identify who I am and what I like to do.  The problem with the majority of these potential grave goods would be how easily they would deteriorate over time.  I would personally bury with me a few items: my camera, my one ring that I always wear, my hiking boots, a fishing pole, and a map of the world.  These are all unrealistic expectations, but they describe me, in my opinion.  I asked a few friends what they would choose for me, and they came up with some things that were a bit different, but also extremely accurate.  Christmas ornaments, bath salts, my onesie, movies, my cat; things that people know I like from the way I act.  All these things describe who I am and what I like to do to an outsider’s perspective.  Some answers came from people I don’t know very well, and some came from my closest friends.  The grave goods that I picked describe me and my life in Alaska, how I grew up and how I want to live after college. These grave goods describe the things that are most important to me; photography, fishing, hiking, and travelling.  The ring was a special gift that I have worn for almost 10 years, so it is a part of me.  My mom suggested that I take my cat with me.  Again, a very unrealistic concept seeing that he is alive and kicking, something I am sure my mom would like to remedy.  What my friends picked for me define who I am regardless of where I am; items that define my character.

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